Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Two years later

If you haven't seen the mini-series Top of the Lake, it's a good flick if you like mysteries; I think Roland would have liked the show. Holly Hunter is a hoot, and one of her lines really stuck with me...

"In nature, there is no death, only a reshuffling of atoms..."

I like to think about Roland surrounding us in ways we do not know. I certainly imagine if he has a say, he's in the air when we're cheering on the UT Longhorns!, being silly, enjoying a good margarita, or making a colleague or a friend feel better.

Roland, I still sometimes can't believe you're not hanging in Austin with Uncle Gary and Ally Cat. Then again, maybe you are :-)

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I think I see Roland's smile or laugh in strangers around me and I take comfort in the memories it conjures up...Love, Anna
