Thursday, October 17, 2013


One of my favorite Christmas memories is how Gary and Roland "took me under their wings", during a Christmas party. I was feeling a bit out of place, and you both made me feel relaxed and welcome.  We laughed and joked, you complimented me on my shirt.  I am sure  this small kindness was maybe forgotten by you all, but not by me. That memory of Roland still warms my heart. And Gary, every time I see that shirt, it reminds me how a powerful a seemingly small kindness can be. Thank you for that moment. I wish you well.  With much love and gratitude, Christina Mikkelsen

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Gary and Roland in San Francisco

A nice day :)

Two Years Later - Thinking of Roland and Gary

Roland was a thoughtful and kind man. We think of him often and still miss him very much. We have many fond memories of very good times together...

Laura & Bill


Dear Roland,

I can still hear your funny voice and laughter. Miss you.



Dear Roland,
I really miss you and think of you often. 

I always felt so comfortable around you and enjoyed spending time with you.  When I think of you, I think of your low-key, kind, and silly presence, Longhorn t-shirts, your Master's degree graduation, going out to eat with you guys in Austin, having you all show us around San Francisco, ... to mention a few things.  You and Gary were such a cute couple and I am so glad I got to know you.

Thank you for being such a special person in my life.  I love you and will always remember you.



We know that Roland's electrons are always around, anyway, in the form of our photos from visits to Dallas and our visits to Austin. We always enjoyed dinners at the Vietnamese Restaurant in Austin. I just saw one of him with Princess Addie in our house. He always had a great, dry sense of humor. It's tough that he's gone.

Bill and Laura

Two years later

If you haven't seen the mini-series Top of the Lake, it's a good flick if you like mysteries; I think Roland would have liked the show. Holly Hunter is a hoot, and one of her lines really stuck with me...

"In nature, there is no death, only a reshuffling of atoms..."

I like to think about Roland surrounding us in ways we do not know. I certainly imagine if he has a say, he's in the air when we're cheering on the UT Longhorns!, being silly, enjoying a good margarita, or making a colleague or a friend feel better.

Roland, I still sometimes can't believe you're not hanging in Austin with Uncle Gary and Ally Cat. Then again, maybe you are :-)

Much love,

We remember YOU each and every day!

Roland, today is the second anniversary of your passing. You are still very much in my thoughts and sorely missed every day.